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Welcome all!

Our Mission:

We believe that shining the Light of Christ through love and service to our neighbors is at the heart of everything we do. We accomplish this by having a close relationship with Christ through worship, prayer, and Bible study.



We are an ELCA Church. For more information about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, click the ELCA logo.

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Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.  Everyone is welcome.

Please note:

March 17, 2020

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Latest news from our Bishop Patrica Davenport

Synod Adjustments Due to Coronavirus

Based On Latest Guidance, Bishop Davenport Recommends That Churches Suspend In-Person Gatherings.

  • Synod staff will be working from home until at least April 1, and the office will be closed.

  • Synod Assembly will be postponed to a date to be determined.

  • Synod committees, teams and staff will not hold in-person meetings until May 18.

  • The Chrism Service, First Call Retreat, Behavioral Interview training, and Tuscarora Youth Retreat are cancelled.

  • In an abundance of caution, our church building is closed until further notice.

  • Joint mid-week services with our ministry partners are canceled.

  • Sunday's worship (3/22/20) service is canceled, all building users are asked not to meet at the church until it has been decided to reopen.

  • Instead, you are invited to attend a "Prayer and Message" online gathering at 10:00 Sunday, March 22. Stayed tuned for sign-on information that will be posted later this week. 

  • If you have never been to a Zoom meeting, the host will sign-on and then you can join by following the prompts. You may or may or may not use the video if you wish. However, the host will be able to talk and hear you either way.

Designer Bag Bingo May 9th


Trinity Lutheran's After-school Program 

Now taking registrations for the 2020-21 school year.

Trinity Lutheran’s After-School Program is a secular program designed to meet the needs of working families with school-age children enrolled at Fort Washington Elementary School (FWES).

Regular After School Care: 3:40 until 6:00 p.m.

Early dismissal days: 12:10 until 6:00 p.m.


More info and regisrtration 

Trinity Lutheran Church


Sunday morning worship  10:15 a.m.

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© 2022 Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Washington, PA.

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