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Trinity Lutheran's After-School  Program 2023-2024

Trinity Lutheran’s After-School Program is a secular program designed to meet the needs of working families with school-age children enrolled at Fort Washington Elementary School (FWES).

The after-school program does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or ethnic background. Children of all backgrounds and abilities are encouraged to enroll. Enrollment is open to any individual with a disability who, without reasonable programming modifications, is enrolled at FWES. The child must be self-sufficient and able to function in a group setting. Parents should notify the program administrator of any known medical conditions prior to enrollment.

The after-school program complements rather than duplicates the school day by giving children the opportunity to explore and build on individual interests and skills. Students can relax and unwind, play games, or socialize with peers and adults. There is no religious content to this program, and we encourage participation by families of all faiths. 


Transportation from FWES by van, provided by Zion Baptist Church of Ambler, is included. Parents, or prearranged pick-up by a designated person, must pick up the student by 6 pm.


Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 3:40 p.m. - 6 p.m.




Trinity Lutheran Church’s After-School Program Tuition Fee Schedule
Trinity Lutheran offers an after-school program to families with children who attend Fort Washington Elementary School.

  • For maximum convenience, our website payment portal accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and PayPal with a $2 service fee. 

  • Checks are accepted as well and should be made out to Trinity Lutheran Church. Please write, “After-school Program” in the memo line and send or deliver your check to Trinity Lutheran Church, 235 Summit Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034.

  • A $25 fee will be assessed for each bounced check. 

  • A $50 enrollment fee per family is assessed for new students.

  • Tuition is due on the 21st of the month prior to care. There will be a late charge of $25 per week for accounts that are in arrears. If the account is in arrears for more than 60 days, the child may be dismissed from the program.


Tuition for regular after-school hours, dismissal until 6 p.m. is as follows:

  • 5 days/week = $375/month

  • 4 days/week = $350/month

  • 3 days/week = $300/month


Early Dismissal Days- $40/day

Early dismissal days are included for children who are enrolled in regular after-school hours. For early dismissal days that do not fall on a child’s regularly scheduled day(s), the fee is $40/day.


Late pick-up fees
The program pick-up time is 6 p.m. A late fee of $5 per child is assessed for every 5 minutes thereafter. After 6:15 p.m., it doubles. If there are three late instances the child may be dismissed from the program.


Payment Schedule (Sept 5, 2023--First day of school) 
The month of:

September is due by August 21

October is due by Sept 21                               January is due by Dec 21                   April is due by March 21
November is due by Oct 21                            February is due by Jan 21                  May is due by April 21
December is due by Nov 21                           March is due by Feb 21                      June is due by May 21



Registration for Fall 2023 is open! 

Email to receive enrollment information.

Trinity Lutheran Church


Sunday morning worship  10:15 a.m.

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© 2022 Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Washington, PA.

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